Defenses for Reckless Driving and Speeding Tickets

When you are pulled over for speeding in Virginia, the circumstances, location and ticket information are all critical parts of your charge that can be used in fighting the ticket.  A speeding or reckless driving ticket is a serious matter, one that warrants a strong defense.

When your driving privileges are in question, you can’t afford to fight your ticket alone. You need an experienced traffic ticket lawyer who knows the different defense tactics, and which will best apply to your situation. Our Virginia traffic ticket lawyer has the education and familiarity with the law needed for a solid defense, no matter your charge.

What Are Defenses For Reckless Driving And Speeding Tickets VA?

There are several ways that your attorney can fight a ticket for you. The key to defense lies in determining the best avenue for your reckless driving lawyer to take based on the circumstances of your ticket. Although the circumstances and specifics of speeding tickets and reckless driving tickets may differ, the defenses are often similar.

If you are issued a speeding or reckless driving ticket, your defense may include:

  • Driving: Were you in fact the person driving the vehicle at the time of the ticket and if you were in an accident, as with many reckless driving tickets, were you in the driver’s seat when the officer arrived? Have you recently lost your driver’s license or wallet, or was it stolen, and did someone else used it and received a ticket?
  • Radar and LIDAR calibrations: In both reckless driving by speed and speeding tickets, not only does law enforcement have to provide proof of up to date radar and LIDAR calibrations, the machine must be proven accurate on the day of the ticket.
  • Your speedometer’s calibrations: There are ways that you can test your speedometer for accuracy using a standalone GPS system in your vehicle and a calibration report. If your speedometer was inaccurately displaying your speed, you may be able to use this as defense.
  • Speed limit: Your attorney may check that the officer knew the speed limit for the area where the ticket was issued as well as any nearby speed limit discrepancies that may have confused the situation.
  • Location: If an incident occurs at the border of two counties, it can be questionable where the event occurred, or an officer’s testimony may have a discrepancy in location that can cause a case to be
  • dismissed.

Regardless of the defense chosen, you need the expertise and knowledge that a qualified lawyer from our team possesses. Your driving privileges may be at stake, so you need to retain a Woodstock reckless driving or speeding defense attorney. Don’t try to fight your ticket alone.

4 Ways to Fight Against a Reckless Driving Ticket

Ignore the Ticket

 You do have the option to ignore the reckless driving ticket. However, we strongly advise ignoring it. In addition to being charged as guilty, you will be fined. And if you don’t pay the fine, the DMV can suspend your license indefinitely until the fine is paid. Of course, there is a rare chance that the officer doesn’t show up to court or doesn’t file the ticket.

Send a Letter

Some people who are unable to attend court may decide to send a letter to the judge. The advantage of sending a letter is that you wouldn’t show up to court, and you’ll still be able to provide an explanation to the judge to defend your case. However, of course, having in-person substitution is much more effective since you can respond to questions from the officer and Prosecutor. Also, the judge may be upset that you didn’t show up and give you a higher penalty.

Appear in Court by Yourself

When appearing for yourself in court, you wouldn’t have to pay for attorney’s fees. The problem with appearing yourself is that you likely won’t know the in-‘s and out’s of the legal loopholes to help you get out of a reckless driving ticket. For example, you could potentially negotiate to go to community service or driving school instead of receiving the charge or having a more lenient penalty.

Hire a Professional Lawyer

Instead hoping that the judge will go easy on you, we suggest getting a lawyer to give you the best chance to win. An experienced traffic ticket attorney will help you get your desired result. Attorney Bob Keefer has over 40 years of experience with clerks, judges, officers, and prosecutors.

Mr. Keefer knows the intricacies of a speed-related case. For example, based on the officer’s calibration certificates, you may have your case dismissed. Also, with many speed-related cases, it’s even possible to have only the lawyer show up so that you don’t have to.

Free, Confidential Consultation – Keefer Law Firm

If you were pulled over and charged with reckless driving or were issued a speeding ticket, you may have more chances at a defense that you realize. That’s why you need representation from a highly trained, leading Virginia traffic ticket attorney. Let us build your defense, so you have a fair chance at retaining your driving privileges.

Contact us to discuss your charges at (540) 433-6906.


For Legal Help From An Experienced Attorney,

(540) 433-6906
