House Speaker’s Husband Paul Pelosi, Arrested for DUI

Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was involved in a two-car accident five miles from their home in California Vineyard on Saturday night. Luckily, no one was injured during the crash, but CHP responded to a call reporting the accident.

The police arrested Pelosi a couple of minutes before midnight on suspicion of driving under the influence. According to a booking report obtained by TMZ, the 82-year-old was taken into custody by California Highway Patrol a little after 4 am.

Pelosi might be brought up on misdemeanor charges, including DUI and driving with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 and above. According to police records, Paul Pelosi was released on Sunday at 7:26 am after settling a $5,000 bail.

The CHP release revealed Paul Pelosi was driving his 2021 Porsche when the crash happened on State Route 29. Pelosi drove into the intersection, where he was hit by a 2014 Jeep driven by a 48-year-old man. The Jeep’s driver wasn’t arrested or injured during the accident.

Although the police didn’t assign blame for the accident, photos taken of the scene at the junction reveal Pelosi had to have run a stop light to enter the SR-29.

The former venture capitalist and the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, have been married since 1963 and have five children. They divide their time between California and Washington DC, where the House Speaker represents a portion of San Francisco.

So far, there’s been no word from Speaker Pelosi on the matter. In fact, Drew Hammil, the Speaker’s spokesperson, told the press that the speaker wouldn’t be commenting on the matter that happened when she was on the East Coast.

On Sunday, Speaker Pelosi delivered a commencement address at Brown University, Rhode Island.

Paul Pelosi’s Representatives refuted claims that Napa’s court records show Pelosi was arrested on similar charges four years ago. They said that these claims are untrue and that the records probably refer to a different individual with the same name.

Sentencing penalties for California DUI convictions depend on the facts of the accident, prior driving convictions or criminal history. However, even with a clean driving record and criminal history, no death or injuries involved, DUI arrests can still earn you six months in county jail and a 12-month license suspension.

In Napa, a DUI offender can expect to get some jail sentence, assessments and fines, court probation, attend an alcohol safety program, and install an Ignition Interlock Device in their vehicles.

Many of these penalties can be negotiated with the prosecutor even in the absence of a viable defense to the DUI charges. As such, it’s important to have a DUI defense attorney trained in determining potential defenses, who is knowledgeable on sentencing options, and skilled in negotiations.

First-time DUI offenders in California may face a license suspension for six months, assessments and fines of up to $2,300, six months in county jail, AA meeting attendance, community service, 3-9 months in DUI school, and installation of an IID.

The penalties are a little more severe for second and subsequent DUI offenses within ten years of the first. For instance, you may pay $3,000 – $10,000 in assessments and fines, serve a couple of months to years in state prison or county jail, lose driving privileges for four years, and DUI school for 30 months.

In aggravated circumstances, the penalties may be extended. Aggravated situations may include:

  • Driving while on probation
  • Driving with a revoked or suspended license
  • An accident that causes death or serious injury
  • Driving 20 mph over the speed limit
  • Refusing to submit to mandatory tests

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