Tesla on Autopilot Rams Police Cruiser

In August of 2021, a Florida State Trooper was stopped on an Interstate (I4) near Orlando, Florida.  The Trooper had pulled over to assist a broken down car.

About 5 a.m., despite his activated emergency lights,  a  Tesla rammed the Trooper’s cruiser driving it into the disabled vehicle.  The driver of the disabled vehicle was injured; the Trooper escaped the crash with no injuries.

The Tesla was operating under the control of the autopilot feature.

The Tesla uses a set of cameras and computers to drive the Tesla.  Unfortunately the Tesla autopilot has demonstrated an inability to see parked emergency vehicles and trucks perpendicular to itself.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has documented 11 crashes since 2018 where Tesla failed to “see” emergency vehicles.  17 people were injured in those crashers; one died.  NHTSA has requested Tesla limit the use of autopilot and cruise control to certain areas and to improve the accuracy of such guidance systems.

The defective Tesla guidance system has resulted in Tesla’s navigation system not “seeing”  tractor trailers crossing the roadway in front of the Tesla.  In some of those cases the Tesla and its occupants have smashed underneath the crossing tractor trailer.

Attorney Bob Keefer stays abreast of all traffic violations occurring across the country, not just in Virginia.  When you are charged with a traffic violation, contact Bob.  His intelligence and experience could make the difference if you are charged with reckless driving in Virginia and looking at loss of license.


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