Commercial Driver’s License DUI

Protected By Our DUI Attorney in Harrisonburg

If you have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and are arrested for a Virginia DUI, you face much more severe penalties than a driver without a CDL. A DUI-related driver’s license suspension will result in hardship for someone with an ordinary driver’s license but will result in the inability to work if you have a Virginia CDL.

Your Virginia CDL will be suspended or revoked for a minimum of one year if you are arrested for a DUI even if you were not in your commercial motor vehicle at the time you were arrested. You cannot obtain a hardship driver’s license for your CDL during the suspension or revocation period – even for non-CDL driving.

For more information regarding CDL and DUI, contact our DUI lawyer in Harrisonburg today for a free consultation. Either call Keefer Law Firm at (540) 433-6906 or contact us online.

Protecting Your License & Driving Privileges

Since the Virginia driver’s license suspension hearings rely on a much lower standard of evidence than a criminal case, it can be quite difficult to successfully challenge your driver’s license suspension. The state needs only prove limited facts to suspend your CDL, and they need only show those facts in a preponderance of the evidence instead of beyond a reasonable doubt.

A conviction for a DUI is listed as a major offense under Virginia law. A conviction for a major offense will result in the suspension or revocation of your personal driver’s license, as well as a disqualification of your CDL. Obtaining insurance if you have a major traffic offense on your record may be difficult or impossible. You should fight for your driver’s license at all costs or face the real possibility of no longer being able to work in your chosen profession.

When You Need a Traffic Lawyer,
Keefer Law Firm Can Help.

  • Attorney Keefer is one of the few people in Virginia to call himself a NHTSA Certified Field Sobriety Instructor.
  • He has completed the DOT Certified Breath Technician course on the EC/IR II, Virginia’s breath tester for evidence.
  • He was a founding member of the DUI Defense Lawyers Association and is a member of the National College for DUI Defense.
  • Attorney Keefer has more than 40 years of experience providing legal representation throughout Virginia.
  • Our office contains the Alco-Sensor III, which is also used by law enforcement for preliminary breath testing.
  • We offer free consultations for traffic offense and DUI cases.
Get In Touch

Contact Us for Effective Representation

If you have a Virginia CDL and were arrested for DUI, you should immediately contact our office for a free, confidential case review. We have a limited time to fight for your driver’s license, and if you do not challenge your suspension in time, you will lose the right to challenge it at all.

Contact Keefer Law Firm today at (540) 433-6906 to schedule your free consultation and speak with our DUI attorney in Harrisonburg.